Scope Writing & Consulting
Through working a goal-oriented process, we work backwards to craft a testing scope that results in usable and actionable information for each structure's owner. MIC specializes in listening to the individual needs and concerns of each owner and then guiding them through the scoping process to ensure that service providers and technologies are brought to the project that help them make better management decisions. This allows for the right technology to be deployed at the right time. At MIC, we advocate a progressive diagnostics approach to all projects, using technology only when and where necessary to reach the pre-established end goals of the owner. Examples of end goals include: life extension, construction/rehab safety, impact damage mitigation, root cause analysis & remediation, structural model calibration, historic structural stability, fracture & failure avoidance
Technology Transfer
At MIC we have coined the term "parallel technology transfer", scouring other infrastructure industries to find monitoring and testing technologies that will benefit owners of bridges and buildings. We have developed a process that significantly shortens the lead time to commercialization in these industries through a very specific process, focusing on the attributes that owners need to see to be early adopters. If you have a technology that you believe will benefit these industries, let us know.
Technology Vetting
Owners overburdened with trying to do more with less don’t have the valuable resources they can allocate to researching and vetting technologies. Worse yet, some once promising technologies have failed to produce meaningful data over the years so owners sometimes feel sensors are a waste of funds. However, using the right technology at the right time leads to better asset management and more cost-effective decision-making.
Using a quality assurance based process, adapted from the NDT industry, MIC helps structure owners by vetting technologies. This may include meeting with salespeople as an owners rep, researching technical papers, contacting references, laboratory trials, field trials, and manufacturer audits.
Tech Road Shows
As part of our mission of bringing cost effective technologies to the bridge industry, we introduce owners to such technologies through technology road shows. Through these densely scheduled regional presentations, we expose technology providers and manufacturers to well over 100 decision makers per trip. MIC can also make presentations to owners for clients both in person and via virtual meetings and webinar.
Generally, MIC obtains PDH/CEU certification for all presentations given during these road shows. These have proven to be quite an effective business development tool for clients while owners have found the information obtained during these presentations very useful for structure management.
Marketing, Business Development, & Social Media Services
Many companies which specialize in NDT or transportation cannot afford to have full-time marketing and/or social media staff. Often, they also cannot afford for the principals to spend all of their time on business development.
MIC offers the best of both worlds. Through our on-call network we are high-level experienced social media, marketing, and business development professionals. We are uniquely positioned to help your firm develop proposals, secure teaming opportunities, obtain certifications (SBE/DBE/WBE), and develop effective collateral pieces.
Additionally, social media and an online presence is no longer optional. Having the best technology is of no use unless you can reach clients regionally, domestically, and internationally. Social media and online resources are becoming an increasingly more important tool in the overall marketing toolbox. MIC employs award winning new media experts and pioneers in this field as well as PR professionals to craft a cohesive online presence which compliments print and digital marketing collateral pieces.
We are additionally best suited to work with your SEO consultants on content with real value. We know your business and how to write about it and we work with SEO firms to simply optimize useful content to not only achieve better SEO but also to provide content that keeps your customers and audience coming back.
Other Services
​We're here to help your improve transportation systems. Whether that is through working with innovators, owners, or nonprofits, MIC is uniquely positioned to help on all fronts without you needing to spend months explaining your mission to us. We are dedicated to making a difference in the world. Here are some other services we offer to that end:
Owner’s Rep Services for Advanced NDT & SHM
3rd Party Inspection Plan Review
Investment consulting on sensor technologies
IR presentations for technology based companies
Technical writing services including commercialization plans
Op-Ed writing
Transportation policy & operations consulting
Media relations and writing
Nonprofit fundraising
Executive workshops and training
Grant writing and foundation planning
PDH Course Offering & Certification
Want to get the word out there about your services or product?
Want to educate your peers about new technologies and how to use them to manage structures?
Tired of getting the brush off from owners and other consultants?
Give them extra incentive - offer them Professional Development Hours (PDH) or Continuing Education Units (CEU) for their time. It's a win-win for everyone.
Let MIC prepare your PDH course with you. We'll take you through the certification process and get you certified for a 1-hour presentation.
Currently, thirty-five (35) states require continuing professional competency (CPC) for Licensed Professional Engineers. The modern world of engineering is one of rapidly advancing technology and innovation. Continuing education is designed to help professional engineers remain current in this time of rapid change.
MIC will guide you through the certification process for both in person and online delivery.